- 11 posts on this blog (12 including this one)
- 1 post on my gaming blog
- wrote a short story introducing a D&D character
- put together my Year in Pictures site and kept it running for the year
- updated Gareth's website
- updated my static publishing toolset
- around 200 contributions to my github account
- weekly Legend of the Five Rings tabletop game completed after 4-5 years (30+ sessions written and run)
- started a new D&D group
- wrote and GMed a one-off Star Wars game
- 2+ maps, mostly of Rokugan
- created a game and skype recording setup
- a load more photos on my flickr stream
- started learning some microcontroller programming
- started learning video editing, 5 videos including 4 on my YouTube channel
2016 is coming. Now I don't have to write a weekly RPG any more, it's time for some exciting new projects.