Saturday 22 April 2023

Slack notifications from Github Actions

A while back I wrote about moving my deployment scripts away from Codeship into Github Actions. This has continued to work, but as I noted it did leave me without notifications in Slack. Time to fix this.

There are a few ways of enabling notifications. The best way involves creating Slack apps with incoming webhooks, but this involves a lot of faff (especially on a free Slack instance). The ever-useful Phil Wilson found a much simpler alternative.

Enter the Github Slack app.

The setup is very easy:

  • Add Github app to Slack
  • Log in to Github app as whichever user should be receiving notifications
  • Authorise it to talk to your Github account in Github

All three of these are documented in the above link.

Then it's a case of setting up the notifications you want within the Slack app channel. I used the following:

/github unsubscribe $account/$repo issues pulls commits
/github subscribe $account/$repo workflows:{event:"push"}

The first removed the overly noisy notifications from a whole bunch of Things on the account. The second enables notifications from workflows (ie Actions) - mine are triggered on "push" events. Docs for the workflow configuration can be found on the integration page.

And behold! Notifications!

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