Saturday, 30 December 2023

Professional new year resolutions

It's my favourite time of the year - the null zone between Christmas and New Year where nobody is doing anything, the weather is awful and hiding away is socially acceptable. I can sit with a laptop, learning about things I never find time to touch during the year and slowly become one with a chair. All without any guilt that I should be doing something else.

Every year I write new year resolutions and then do an end of year summary however this always focuses on my personal life. This year has been VERY work-heavy so I thought I'd also write some extra new year resolutions for my professional life and why I think they are important. It's the holidays so don't expect anything enormously insightful - there is a huge list of things I should be doing, and this is more about where I should refocus myself for the new year. Here we go.

More engagement

Anyone who has read Future Engage Deliver knows that you can have a vision (Future) and set everything up for output (Deliver), but if you don't bring people along (Engage) your success is going to be limited at best. This ranges from simple visibility through to detailed talking about strategy to everyone, both in the team and wider. When physically in the office some of this happens just by not hiding behind a closed door, but when working remote those corridor conversations don't happen - there is the need for more deliberate mapping of communications and touchpoints.

My area is now essentially a remote working group and that creates a need for more deliberate communication. We're also in a time of change - a very exciting time, but change is always unsettling. This is going to make engagement even more important.

I don't think I'm too bad at engagement - but only when I prioritise it. There has been a LOT going on, and good engagement takes time and energy - two things that have been especially in short supply in Q4 2023. So for 2024 I'm going to look to make two changes. First, make sure my engagement is of a higher quality. Second, and more important at the moment, I'm going to prioritise engagement which means finding or making more time for it.

Give back more

The Tech industry can be a pretty bleak place at times, and the only way that will improve is by all of us doing what we can to make it better. Over the years I've tutored, coached, mentored and set up groups. These days I'm still mentoring people across several different organisations - particularly people who are leading software engineers, and software people who want to progress into senior management. I also sit on the London Data Board, I've done some consulting with groups looking to restructure (both paid and pro bono) and I've spoken at conferences about technical leadership.

I get a lot out of these kind of things and I am going to assume it's helpful! I'd like to find ways to do more. If you'd like a chat do reach out. Otherwise, I need to explore some ideas around this - ways to share / cooperate / mentor and so on. I'm not very clear what I can do beyond more mentoring (I'll post about that in the new year) but I'd like to find something.

Do less

Both of the above will take time and while we insist on saying "make time" this is actually impossible. Time is a fixed resource and needs to be spent effectively. What I want to do in 2024 is to make sure the time I have is spent on quality activities. For 2024, that is going to mean two things. First, a renewed focus on delivery - getting things out the door rather than spinning wheels and sustaining. This will also help with the good feels - everyone likes achieving things. 

Second, I'm going to ensure the various meetings and governance processes I attend are providing proper value. As mentioned earlier, we are in a time of change and that can easily mean overlapping or redundant org processes. This only costs us time and energy, so finding and stopping them helps not just me but everyone. I'm going to push back hard where it seems appropriate to do so to protect my time.

Work / life balance

Actually, there IS a way to "make time" - work more hours. That has been my default in 2023 and to everyone's surprise it has proven unsustainable. In 2024, I need to balance work and life better. This doesn't just mean looking at working hours - I need to put things in my off-time and have the energy to do them. I know there are problems when I'm not doing anything in my free time because I'm too tired so this is a move to protect my mental health.

So that's it. In 2024 I'm going to work on how I engage with people, I'm going to find ways to give more back to the industry, I'm going to focus my time at work and I'm going to improve my work / life balance. Any guesses how I'm going to get on? Happy new year!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Excellent set of resolutions.

Good luck!
